Python Program Sort Elements In Array Descending Order

        # Initialize an empty array
        array_of_elements = []

        # Get the number of elements you want in the array from the user
        elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements you want in the array: "))

        # Loop to take user input and add numbers to the array
        for i in range(elements):
            # Get the element from the user
            user_input = int(input(f"Enter element {i + 1}: "))

            # Add the number to the array

        # Sorting the array in descending order using sorted() with reverse=True
        sorted_element_descending = sorted(array_of_elements, reverse=True)

        # Displaying the sorted array in descending order
        print("Original array:", array_of_elements)
        print("Sorted array (descending):", sorted_element_descending)
        Enter the number of elements you want in the array: 5
        Enter element 1: 44
        Enter element 2: 23
        Enter element 3: 54
        Enter element 4: 16
        Enter element 5: 2
        Original array: [44, 23, 54, 16, 2]
        Sorted array (descending): [54, 44, 23, 16, 2]