Python Program To Perform Arithmetic Operation in Array

        def perform_arithmetic_operations(arr):
            # Addition
            sum_result = sum(arr)

            # Subtraction
            subtract_result = arr[0]
            for num in arr[1:]:
                subtract_result -= num

            # Multiplication
            multiply_result = 1
            for num in arr:
                multiply_result *= num

            # Division
            divide_result = arr[0]
            for num in arr[1:]:
                if num != 0:  # Avoid division by zero
                    divide_result /= num
                    print("Error: Division by zero!")

            return sum_result, subtract_result, multiply_result, divide_result

        # Initialize an empty array
        array_of_numbers = []

        # Get the number of elements you want in the array from the user
        num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements you want in the array: "))

        # Loop to take user input and add numbers to the array
        for i in range(num_elements):
            # Get the number from the user
            user_input = float(input(f"Enter element {i + 1}: "))

            # Add the number to the array

        result = perform_arithmetic_operations(array_of_numbers)

        # Display the results
        print(f"Sum: {result[0]}")
        print(f"Subtraction: {result[1]}")
        print(f"Multiplication: {result[2]}")
        print(f"Division: {result[3]}")
        Enter the number of elements you want in the array: 5
        Enter element 1: 23
        Enter element 2: 12
        Enter element 3: 43
        Enter element 4: 76
        Enter element 5: 34
        Sum: 188.0
        Subtraction: -142.0
        Multiplication: 30666912.0
        Division: 1.724986200110399e-05