Python Program to Find Largest Number in an Array

        # Function to find the largest number in an array
        def find_largest(arr):
            # Check if the array is empty
            if not arr:
                return None  # Return None if the array is empty

            # Assume the first element is the largest
            largest = arr[0]

            # Iterate through the array
            for num in arr:
                # Update the largest if the current element is greater
                if num > largest:
                    largest = num

            # Return the largest element
            return largest

        # Initialize an empty array to store user input
        user_array = []

        # Loop to get user input
        while True:
            # Get user input for the array element
            user_input = input("Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): ")

            # Check if the user wants to stop entering elements
            if user_input.lower() == 'done':

            # Convert the input to an integer and add it to the array
                element = int(user_input)
            except ValueError:
                print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid integer or 'done' to finish.")

        # Call the function with the user input array and print the result
        result = find_largest(user_array)

        if result is not None:
            print(f"The largest element in the array {user_array} is: {result}")
            print("The array is empty.")

        Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): 4
        Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): 10
        Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): 43
        Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): 8
        Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): 34
        Enter an element (or 'done' to finish): done
        The largest element in the array [4, 10, 43, 8, 34] is: 43