Python program to perform arithmatic operation

        # Function to add two numbers
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y

        # Function to subtract y from x
        def subtract(x, y):
            return x - y

        # Function to multiply two numbers
        def multiply(x, y):
            return x * y

        # Function to divide x by y
        def divide(x, y):
            if y != 0:
                return x / y
                return "Error: Division by zero"

        # Example usage:
        # Taking input from the user for two numbers
        num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
        num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))

        # Performing arithmetic operations and printing the results
        print("Sum:", add(num1, num2))           # Adding num1 and num2
        print("Difference:", subtract(num1, num2))  # Subtracting num2 from num1
        print("Product:", multiply(num1, num2))    # Multiplying num1 and num2
        # Handling division and printing the result
        print("Quotient:", divide(num1, num2))     # Dividing num1 by num2, handling division by zero
Output 1:
        Enter first number: 10
        Enter second number: 5
        Sum: 15.0
        Difference: 5.0
        Product: 50.0
        Quotient: 2.0
Output 2:
        Enter first number: 25
        Enter second number: 0
        Sum: 25.0
        Difference: 25.0
        Product: 0.0
        Quotient: Error: Division by zero